M&Co hadde et innlegg om en test man kan ta, som visstnok skal finne stilen du har i hjemmet ditt... Slike tester er jo alltid moro tidsfordriv, og jeg ble jo veldig nysgjerrig på hva mitt resultat ville bli, så jeg slenger meg med!
Min stil er visstnok:
The rustic look is ideal for people on a budget: you're not looking for pristine perfection, preferring instead a much more raw and elemental approach to interior design, certainly in terms of colour, texture and (most of all) materials. You can spot exactly when a piece of driftwood, perhaps, is just that - a piece of wonderful driftwood - and when it's exactly what you need as a simple focal point in the living room.
Living Room
You love connecting with nature and the world outside. The rustic living room is cousin to the country cottage, but it's altogether earthier and more rugged, almost troglodyte. There's something elemental about this look, which embodies the romantic spirit of a pilgrim and celebrates the independence of the hermit. That said, it can be warm and welcoming -- a respite or sanctuary from the world outside. It's about the homespun and the homely, about authenticity and log-cabin cosiness. A "woman's touch" is just the trick for turning the rustic retreat into a welcoming home. Pretty found objects and vernacular arts and crafts additions can bring the room to life without compromising the look. Neutral wall colours provide a calm, easy background, while floral prints and textiles are pretty and perennially appealing. Whether you're chilling out, socialising or surfing the net, your living room's a place that reflects the way you live your life.

Your bedroom shows a love of country comforts. Sleep is fundamentally important to our well being. Clean, fresh air can truly aid sleep, but so, too, does a well-made bed and the best mattress you can afford. Touch is an important issue in the bedroom, from crisp, linen sheets to wool or even sheepskin underfoot. You love the classic country look in your bedroom, using the timeless approach of layering white on white to serene effect.
Dining Room
You're a home-lover, bringing a light, feminine touch to mealtimes. At home, your dining room may be quite formal at the same time as being light and airy, with pretty finishing touches. You're a home-maker par excellence, and mealtimes are the perfect occasion for bringing everyone together. If you like patterns ,especially floral ones, be careful about overdoing it: there's a thin line between feminine charms and the gilded lily. When it comes to entertaining, you like quite simple (some might say 'peasant') food with big, robust flavours.
Home Office
Who says paying the bills can't be glamorous? These days, almost all of us have a home office: a desk and a chair in one corner of the living room with adjustable task lighting and adequate filing is all it takes (and might be all the space you can afford). Even if your desk is quite utilitarian, you can use colour and texture to add a touch of glamour and pizzazz.
Your home is a canny combination of styles and references: the log cabin but also the tree house, the hermit's retreat, but also the childhood den.
Ser man det, ser man det... Da er vel dette min stil da! Hihi... Testen finner du her.
12 kommentarer:
God morgon, vilket omdöme du fick. Vilken kul grej, det måste jag kolla på. Ha en bra måndag. Är på väg till jobbet i regn och rusk, Viola
Begynte på den der testen i går ,men ble avbrutt av div. greier i heimen, skal nok gå for den igjen så får vi se da på resultatet he he Likte du NIB knappen M har kreert for meg, synes den er superstilg!
ha en fin dag, nå får jeg innta frokost , men skulle gjerne hatt noen rips, lurer på om fuglene har latt et par henge igjen til meg ute i hagen, noen smuler til lille meg...
Så gøy me den testen. Nå har jeg vært inne og testet jeg også.. world traveller hihi.. Synes det stemte bra med bilder og beskrivelser.. synes bloggen din er kjempekoslig, og håper dte er greoit om jeg lenker til deg? Ha en fortsatt flott dag:) Thea
Den testen skal eg jammen meg ta .... Kikk innom meg, der ligg noko til deg. Ha ei fin veke!
Hihi stemte bedre med deg da?!! Veldig gøy med sånne tester da, og alltid morsomt med svarene enten de stemmer eller er helt på blåbær tur ;-)
MyDeco er i en veldig bra side for interiør planlegging. Det går an å lage sine egne rom, ned til aller minste detalj. Jeg tok testen for noen måneder siden, og var Sleek chic :o)Minimalistisk og nærmest zen-aktig, hehe
Fortsatt god kveld!
Hej, kikar in som hastigast, ska läsa ditt inlägg sedan, vilka läckra bilder på röda vinbär ( rips?) och vaniljsås, mmm va gott! Mari.
Hei på deg! Ta en titt på siden min så finner du en award til deg :0)
Hmmmm....den må vi inn og ta vet du:) Jeg liker tanken back to basic, jeg håper det er der jeg er på vei...hihi;)
Denne testen skal jeg ta en dag:O=)
Det ligger en ting til deg inne hos meg=)
Klem =)
Halloen! Morsomt med tester, denne synes jeg var relativt bra og traff nogenlunde!
Hilsen Marianne
Du har så skjønn blogg og vakre bilder...
award hos meg, 18 aug.
klem, magny
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